- Teacher: Sneha PM
* To provide the knowledge about strategic concepts and strategic management.
- Teacher: STEFFY MM
- This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in
- the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets.
- Student swill learn about the techniques and strategies associated with marketing, distribution, and managing international business effectively.
- This course prepares students for postsecondary programs in business, including international business, marketing, and management.
- Teacher: Amrutha Raja
Master of Commerce (CBCSS) Semester II
1. To provide knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of corporate financial accounting
2. To provide insight in to some of the important accounting standards of IFRS /Ind AS
3. To enable problem solving abilities among students in matters of various corporate situations such as consolidation of group information, corporate restructuring and liquidation
Module 1: Group Financial Statements Group accounts and group structures – consolidation procedures (IFRS 10 /Ind AS 110)- Non-Controlling Interest (NCI)- Goodwill valuation (IFRS 3/Ind AS 103)- Goodwill arising on consolidation – Intra-group transactions and mutual owing – Treatment of unrealised profit- revaluation of assets and liabilities- Treatment of dividend and bonus shares.
20 Hours
Module 2: Accounting for Corporate Restructuring Accounting for Mergers, Acquisition and Reconstruction (internal and external)- Accounting for liquidation of companies- preparation of Statement of Affairs – Deficiency /Surplus Account- Liquidator’s final statement of account- Receiver’s statement of accounts. 22
20 Hours
Module 3: Accounting for Taxation Current Tax Expense –calculation and accounting entries- Deferred Tax – Temporary Difference- TTD and DTD – Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities – Deferred Tax Expense and Deferred Tax Income (Deferred Tax Reversal)- Recognition, Measurement, Presentation and Disclosure of Deferred Tax
15 Hours
Module 4: Accounting for Revenue and Leases Revenue from contact with customers ( IFRS 15 / Ind AS 115) – Revenue Recognition model – Variable Consideration- Long term contracts – Revenue recognition from construction contracts Accounting for Leases ( IAS 17 / Ind AS 17) – Classification of lease – Operating Lease – recognition, measurement , presentation and disclosure in the books of Lesser and Lessee – Financial Leaserecognition, measurement , presentation and disclosure in the books of Lesser and Lessee- New standard on lease (IFRS 16 /Ind AS 116) -major changes in the lease accounting (especially in the books of lessee).
20 Hours
Module 5: Modern Concepts in Accounting Human Resource Accounting- Forensic Accounting – Social Responsibility Accounting – Environmental Accounting- Investment Accounting – Proactive Accounting – Inflation Accounting
5 Hours
(30% Theory and 70% Problems)
1. Shukla and Grewal: advanced Accounts. (S. Chand & Co Ltd. New Delhi)
2. Jain and Narang: Advanced Accounts (Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana)
3. Sr. K. Paul: Accountancy, Volume-I and II (New Central Book Agency, Kolkata)
4. R.K., Lele and Jawaharlal; Accounting Theory (Himalaya Publishers)
5. Dr. L.S. Porwal; Accounting Theory (Tata Mc Graw Hill)
6. Robert Anthony, D.F. Hawkins & K.A. Merchant: Accounting Text & Cases. (Tata Mc Graw
7. Dr.S.N. Maheshwari: Corporate Accounting (Viakas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi)
8. Dr. Ashok Sehgal & Dr. Deepak Sehgal; Advanced Accounting (Taxman, New Delhi).
9. RL Gupta & Radha Swamy Advanced Accountancy. (Sultan Chand and Co.)
10. Anthony, RN & Reece, JS: Accounting Principles, Richard Irwin, Inc.
11. Barker, P & O'hOgartaigh, C: Group Accounts – Theory and Practice, Oaktree Press 1st Edn.
12. Narayanswamy, R: Financial Accounting - A Managerial Perspective, PHI, New Delhi,
13. Hani & Mukherjee: Corporate Accounting, TMG, New Delhi.
14. Xavier, g Francis: Fundamentals of Advanced Accounts, Vol-III, TMG, New Delhi.
15. Financial Reporting Vol. 1 by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
16. Advanced Accountancy MC Shukla. T.S. Grewal. & S.C. Gupta.
17.IFRS Red Book (Official Publication of IASB)
18.ICAI study material for Financial Reporting
19.Indian Accounting Standards, Chinten Patel & Bhupendra Mantri (Taxman
20.Illustrated Guide to Ind AS, T P Ghosh (Taxman Publication)
- Teacher: Sneha PM